Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

When I came into town, I brought with me a loaf of rainbow bread--it's a sweet bread made by King's Hawaiian. The kids love it. I was happy to know that it didn't get squished during my travels. Erika made sandwiches and cut out turkey's from the bread:

My sister, Heather, visited Erika and her family while I was there. It was nice to see everyone--my nephews Nate, Brodie and Asher are getting so big! The two oldest are young men already!

Here is Nate on the couch:
Here is Brodie playing with Rebecca:Heather and her boys are on their way to Iowa, where Heather accepted a midwifry position. Because they were traveling as a family, their dog Fiona came along too. You can't get a good idea of how rotund she is until you see her lying down! Heather has her on a strict diet.

Here I am playing on the carpet with Kaylen. At one point, she flipped right over my legs--that's why I am holding her! She's such a happy baby.
When I grew up, we always had an artificial Christmas tree due to the Christmas fire my family experienced in the '60s. Because my mom wanted to keep us busy on Thanksgiving, we decorated it while she cooked the Thanksgiving meal. Since Rebecca is allergic to pine needles, Erika and Brian's family has to have an artificial tree, so we began decorating it, continuing the tradition.

The kids were ancy when Erika and I were putting on the lights. That's the "grown up's job".

It was Rebecca's turn to put the angel on the tree. The angel that Erika and Brian used was actually made by Heather. I have a blue one that she made me that I use at Christmastime as well. She is quite talented at all things crafty.
Heather gave me a cute candy cane shaped package of Christmas-themed socks! It's a good thing, too, because I discovered earlier that I had a whole in my sock.

It started snowing on Thanksgiving day. This picture is of Erika's house. I'm standing there in the doorway. Erika isn't completely satified with her lights display. Her vision isn't complete, as she likes to say. I think it's great! Much more than I would probably do!
The meal was delicious! I made Waldorf Salad (my specialty) and helped here and there in the kitchen, while Erika made almost everything for the meal. Everyone enjoyed their dinner:
Here is Brian, Erika and Heather:

Here's Erika, Heather and I:
All in all, everyone seemed to have a great time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks and sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving trip! It's so fun to see all the pictures. I felt like I was right there with you. ROFL about the bear at the zoo! That's hilarious!