Wednesday night I planned an event with some friends to play candle pin bowling at Sacco's Bowling Haven. Before meeting everyone, my old roommate and friend, Jamie, was able to come to Davis Square (our old stomping grounds) to hang out with me at Starbucks. After a couple of hours her husband, Kev, joined us and helped me get Anna's Taquiria for everyone at the bowling event.
Anna's Taquiria holds a near and dear place in my heart! I definitely got my fix because we had some left overs so I had it almost every day I was in Boston--Yum! For those of you who have not had Anna's, it's like Chipotle, but much better!
Candlepin bowling is quite challenging! It's like regular bowling except the pins are straigh up and down and the ball that you use is much smaller--approximately the size of a bocci ball. Jamie and Kev won a game each, but none of our scores were all that great!
Here's Melissa giving it a try:
Jamie had the highest score of 54. My highest was no where near it at 38!

"What gives?"
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