Thursday, March 8, 2012

John's Visit to Kentucky

John was invited to come down to Kentucky for a few days after Christmas. The kids loved John mainly because he's so "talk and strong" that they could climb all over him (he was working up a sweat!), but he was also really good at playing with the kids. Rebecca looks a little skeptical in this picture:
John also spent some time reading stories to Kaylen.

We were all getting cabin fever, so John and I took the kids out to play on their bikes. Kaylen is sooooooo adorable in this picture!
John's waving to Sebastian who just turned around at the mail boxes.
Doesn't he look so cool?
John and I hung out with Kaylen when she got tired of riding.
After bikes we played on the swing set out back.

John and I just before we went inside. We had a fun time!
Final pic:

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