Monday, September 15, 2008

Back Issues

Well, it's official--I'm old. I hurt my back last weekend and I had to break down on Monday to go to the chiropractor. I was walking around like an 80-year old man, so I had to do it.

I actually found a great practice--Pro-Active is what it's called. It's run by two chiropractors who believe in chiropractic work along with A.R.T. (active release technique) which is a technique to work on the muscles around the joints, which are often the root cause of a problem.

My problem is my S.I. joint which is the hip joint that helps you sit and stand. I am very tense so my sessions involve electric stimulation and then some serious kneeding and stretching. I call it my own personal torture sessions. My doctor, Dr. Ryan Perry, just laughs.

The bummer about all this is that I was planning on taking yoga beginning Monday night so I had to cancel my class. I also took a week off of my biweekly training sessions and stopped my morning swim. Now I am a little apprehensive about starting back again. I will start my training back up tomorrow and if I am feeling okay, I may swim tonight to "test the waters". Hee hee.

I do feel better! I am no longer having shooting pain and I no longer walk like I have a load in my pants. All good things.


Shells said...

I would think the swim would be good for your back, if you aren't too intense. At the very least you can walk, stretch, or jog. :) Or take water aerobics!!! Don't diss! It's actually fun! So what if you're the only person under the age of 65!!

Lexykins said...

Hahaha....I have been mentally blocked about swimming...but I had a mini-relapse last night with my back but it's now on the other side. Thank goodness I have my chiro appt. today!