Thursday, September 25, 2008

It's not just me!!!

Last weekend I went out to dinner with 2 different sets of single women. Recently, I had been throwing a party--a pity party--for myself (you were all invited) regarding how frustrating the dating life can be. The action or inaction of men in their mid- to late-30s amazes me--and not in a good way.

During the two dinners I attended, it was evident that I was not the only one dealing with immature or clueless men who either have committment issues or don't know proper dating etiquette. Although it is sad that we are all going through this type of thing, it did make me feel better that at least it's not just me!

My friend, Donna, who recently got married, had similar experiences, but she found the right guy. I realized how jaded I had become, but it gives me hope everytime a friend who knows what it's like to date in your 30s actually finds their match.

So, the party's over. Be glad if you missed it.

1 comment:

Ginny said...

Hey Alexis! Thanks for commenting on my blog! I'm praying the guy you eventually marry is from Jersey (and that he goes back to see family on a regular basis) ... :)
