Monday, April 13, 2009

God is Able

Last Wednesday at my small group, we discussed how we sometimes don't believe God is able to answer our prayers or make the impossible possible. It was a deep discussion.

The next morning I read my Beth Moore "Breaking Free" devotional that was right about this topic. It is amazing how we were just talking about it and then I read this:

"God is not a man who lies, or the son of man who changes His mind. Does He speak and not act, or promise and not fulfill?" Numbers 23:19

Can you think of a time when God proved unworthy of your confidence? If we think we've discovered unfaithfulness in God, I believe one of three things has happened: 1) we misinterpreted the promise, 2) we missed the answer, or 3) we gave up before God timed His response. We must simply keep believing Him, because unbelief is crippling, casting huge obstacles in the way of a victorious life. The steps we take forward with God, we take through faith. This doesn't mean He asks us to believe in our ability to exercise unwavering faith. He merely asks us to believe that He is able.

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