Thursday, September 23, 2010

KHC Baptism and Luau

The end of August, King's Harbor Church had it's annual Baptism and Luau event. It's a potluck and there is great worship music and then people gave their testimony. This year was special because Sachin, a new guy in my bible study, decided to get baptized.

Kathy, a woman in my bible study, came alive at this event. She was so happy for Sachin! She made a fresh lei for Sachin to wear, which was really nice. Sachin wore it well!

Sachin was the first one to give his testimony, out of 40 people. Most testimonies were short but sweet!
Once the baptees (?) was done sharing, everyone moved to the lagoon to get dunked! I tried to take pictures but they didn't turn out. It was nice to see Sachin baptized!

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