Thursday, June 23, 2011

Frustration: A 74 AGAIN!!!

This morning, as has been my habit since April 11th, I went to the CBA (California Board of Accountancy) website to check my final test score. I took the Audit section last April 10th and my original score had been a 74. 75 is passing. At the same time I had received my Regulation exam score so that consoled me and I made a plan to retake the Audit section. That is what I did April 11th.

I had to wait an additional month for my score because the AICPA changed the testing format. Today was the day I found out my score: 74 AGAIN! I am extremely frustrated that I have been so close twice and so I am back to square one. I have to dust off the books, call Becker to make sure my software is updated and valid and begin the grind of studying daily at lunch and studying all day Saturday and Sunday.

I will be appealing my grade since it is a new testing format and maybe by some miracle I will win (it is a miracle because less than 1% of appeals are approved). In the meantime, I'll study.

This next time is the last shot because of the timing. I'll take the exam in August and get the results in October. One of my other exams expires November 1st, so I have to pass the Audit section before that exam expires. If I don't, that means I have to retake that expired exam.

Hopefully 3rd time is a charm. I don't know why God has maneuvered it so that I have to remain in California for longer. I've wanted to move for 2 years and was planning (if I passed) to move to Boston or another city (depending on if I get a job offer) in the next couple of months. Those plans are now postponed. I have to have faith that God has a plan. It is difficult to hold onto that faith, when my hopes are dashed. I need prayers desperately.

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